Parameter Processing

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Regular Parameter Processing LHS Parameter Processing Parameter Processing Code

Regular Parameter Processing

The various models all use parameters specified in an XML file. When a model is run the parameter file to use is typically specified via a command line option. The parameter files are processsed using Tiny XML. For some models the GUI version will prompt for a parameter file, using a file browser dialog, if none is specified on the command line.

Here is an example parameter file for the 3D lung model. Each parameter is specified as an attribute of an XML tag. For example the initN4 = "100000" is an attribute of the GR XML tag. The levels of tags are for parameters for different parts of the model. In this example parameter file the GR tag (the top or root tag) is for general model parameters. The parameters in the Mac tag are parameters for macrophages, which are agents in that model. The Tcell tag has parameters for Tcells in general, and sub-tags within Tcell have parameters for specific types of Tcells. Mtb tag specifies parameters about the TB bacteria. The INIT tag specifies the initial conditions for the model, in this case to place an infected macrophage at a specific grid location.

Different models will use different XML tags and different parameters. Also, there are some differences among the models with respect to the code changes needed when adding or deleting parameters. See the description for a particular model, at Models, for details on how that model handles parameters differently than described here.

LHS Parameter Processing

It is common in simulation modeling to perform parameter sweeps over some subset of the parameter space for a model. We use Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) to define a set of parameter files to run with a model. See this article for a reference on the LHS algorithm.

The parameter processing code for each model also includes a separate program, in a C++ source file called lhs.cpp, (which also has header file lhs.h). This will be in the same directory as the simulation model code (this directory is often called "simulation"). This program is built using make lhs. The lhs program takes 2 command line arguments, "-i" to specify an LHS parameter file (described shortly) and -n for the number of samples - the number of regular parameter files to create. The created regular parameter files are numbered from 1 to N, where N is the sample size, ex. 1.xml, 2.xml, etc.

An LHS parameter file is the same as a regular parameter parameter file, except that one or more parameters have a range of values instead of a single value. A parameter value range is specified as a min and max value within square brackets and separated by a comma, ex. "nrSources = "[50,100]".

Note that older versions of the lhs program required that all parameters have a range, even if not all parameters were being varied (so most parameters would have the same value as the min and max for the range). This is no longer the case, but you may see LHS parameter files like this from prior runs.

These are needed to post process run results. Typically this is performed on the model run server, but you might want to do it on another system. These need to be installed on whatever system is used to perform the run result post processing.

An LHS is performed as follows:

Parameter Processing Code

There is a class called ParamsBase that contains the bulk of the parameter handling code. It has 2 sub-classes, Params, in source file params.h and params.cpp and Lhs, in source files lhs.h and lhs.cpp.

To add a new parameter to the parameter file processing you need to do the following. If the parameter is to be an attribute of a new XML node then the you need to add an item to the XmlElement enum in paramsbase.h. Make sure the NODE_COUNT enum item remains the last one. A corresponding entry then needs to be made to the NodeDescription array in paramsbase.cpp. If the new enum item is the nth item in the enum then the new entry in the NodeDescription array must also be the nth item in the array, since the enum items are used as indices into the array.

Each array element in the NodeDescription array is a structure of type NodeDescription, which has 3 members. In the new entry for the array, the first member should be the new XmlElement enum item, the 2nd member should be a string that will be used as the XML node name in a parameter file (character case counts, "Tcell" is not the same as "TCELL") and the 3rd member is a text description (mostly for documentation purpose).

Once an XML node has been defined for the new parameter in the XmlElement enum and the NodeDescription array, add an enum item for it either in the ParamDoubleType enum or the ParamIntType enum, in paramsbase.h, depending on whether the parameter's values will be integer or floating point. Then add an item to the ParamDescription array in parambase.cpp. The first part of the ParamDescription array is for floating point parameters, the remaining part is for integer parameters. The ParameterDescription item for the new parameter must go in the proper place. If its enum is the nth item in the ParamDoubleType enum then it must be the nth item in the ParamDescription array. If its enum is the nth item in the ParamIntType enum then it must be the nth item after the last floating point item in the ParamDescription array. This is because the enums are used as indices into the ParamDescription array.

Each array element in the ParamDescription array is a structure of type NodeDescription, which has 8 members:

No other coding changes are needed. When deleting a parameter, simply delete the items that were added when adding it.