A library for reading and writing an xml file and for navigating the xml node hierarchy once read. As the name implies it is a small, lightweight library for simple xml processing that does not require an xml DTD or schema. We use it for processing model parameter files, which are xml files. This is the TinyXML web page.
The installation of TinyXML is the same regardless of operating system. From the main TinyXML page follow the link to "Download the latest source release on Sourceforge". From there click the download button. This will download a zip file. Unzip the zip file. This will create a directory called TinyXML which will have documentation in a sub-directory called docs, some Visual Studio solution and project files, a Makefile, a test program called xmltest.cpp and some test xml files. Copy the directory of TinyXML source files to whatever project needs them. You can copy everything except the docs subdirectory, since there is no need to include that in a source archive with every project.
There are no binaries or libraries to reference in a build procedure, just the source files. Copy these to a model's source directory, typically in a sub-directory called TinyXML. Add the TinyXML source files to any build procedures, ex. add them to the appropriate place in a project make file. For build procedures based on Qt's qmake they should be automatically added to the Qt ".pro" file for the project. If not then manually add them. For Visual Studio manually add them to the Visual Studio project file for a model.
Once the TinyXML source files are added to a project, after that project is next committed to the source arvhive the TinyXML files will be included whenever and wherever that project is checked out or updated from the archive.
Since we already use TinyXML as part of our existing models, to use it with a new model simply copy the TinyXML source directory from an existing model to the new model.