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Installing Subclipse Using Subclipse
Subclipse is an Eclipse plugin for interfacing Eclipse with the Subversion version control system. This is the Subclipse official web site.
We have only installed and used Subclipse on Linux, so the installation notes here are for Linux only.
This is required since Subclipse is a GUI interface to Subversion. It is Subversion that provides all the version control functionality accessed via Subclipse.
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
JavaHL is required for Subclipse to communicate with Subversion. If JavaHL is not installed (or not properly installed) then error messages will be displayed, referring to the unavailability of JavaHL, whenever you attempt to use Subclipse functionality from within Eclipse.
The subclipse functions are available from the right click menu in the Eclipse Project Explorer window. These are the ones most commonly used. There is a separate Eclipse console window which will show the status of any svn operation performed with subclipse. Open a console window, Window | Show View | Console. Click the right most icon in the top right of the console window and select SVN Console from the drop down list.
To compare entire revisions, right click a revision in the history and from the pop up menu choose Compare to compare revisions. The compare dialog has text boxes that allow specifying the two revisions to compare.