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Installing Qwt Using Qwt

Qwt (Qt Widgets for Technical Applications) is a 3rd party library of addon gui widgets for use with Qt. We use it mostly for display 2D graphs of simulation state in real time as a gui version of simulation is running.

This is the Qwt web web site.

Installing Qwt

Linux Install Mac Install Windows Install

Linux Install

For Ubuntu 12.04 (also works for Mint 12):

For Ubuntu 10.04:

For Fedora 16:

Mac Install

Using macports:

If the above procedure doesn't work then try using the following (also using macports):

Using either of the above macports based installs all libraries should be installed to /opt/local/lib and header files should be in /opt/local/include.

Windows Install

Windows 7

This assumes cygwin has already been installed.

Using Qwt

See the 2D lung model gui code for an example of how we use Qwt.