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Installing pdflatex Using pdflatex
Pdflatex produces a pdf file from a Latex file. We usually use it to process the Latex file produced by the makereportNew.pl script.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install texlive-latex-base
sudo apt-get -y install texlive-latex-extra
sudo apt-get -y install texlive-latex-recommended
The extra and recommended packages are needed to get all the styles used by the the Latex file produced by makereportNew.pl.
To run pdfLatex use pdflatex latex-file
It needs to be run twice in order to have the table of contents from the Latex file included
in the resulting pdf file. The pdf file name is the same as the Latex file name, but with
a file name extension of ".pdf" instead of ".tex".
For example, if the Latex file produced by makereportNew.pl is report.tex, then do the following, which will produce a pdf file called report.pdf with a table of contents:
pdflatex has some memory limitations that prevent it from processing very large Latex files, such as those that makereportNew.pl creates for a large LHS run. If that happens split up the LHS by running makereportNew.pl on a subset of the LHS results. For example, for an LHS with a total of 2500 runs (say 500 experiments with 5 replications), split up the report into 4 reports, for experiments 1 to 125, 126-250, 251-375 and 376 to 500.
Occasionally pdflatex will detect errors the Latex file processsed. When this happens pdflatex goes into an interactive mode. Ctrl-C cannot be used to exit this mode. The prompt produced by pdflatex will indicate how to quit (sometimes this is "X").
For example, certain characters are not allowed in Latex files directly (they need to be escaped, ex. \\% instead of %) and when specified as part of the title when using an older version of the makereportNew.pl script pdflatex would flag them as an error. The script has been updated to handle this particular problem, but similar sorts of problems may occur in the future.
One simple way to diagnose these sorts of problems is to run makereportNew.pl on just one experiment so the Latex file is as small as possible. Then see if the error still occurs. If not, increment the number of experiments until the error occurs. Once you have a minimal latex file that produces the error, make a copy of it and delete some portion of it. Make sure to delete a complete item, like a figure or table, not part of one. Even if you don't know Latex, it is easy to see the beginning and end of a item - they typically begin with something like \begin and end with something like \end. For examples, tables begin with \begin{table}[h!] and end with \end{table}. Keep making copies and deleting portions until the error no longer occurs. The most recently deleted item probably contains the Latex statements causing the problem.